. >> with diverse lifestyles, viag a ling their sens of community. an tres soislen vinmt. please take a look to her, full ofarge noli before, the feeling of unity in this village is fin away so it is difficult to get tynlbeonon village cleaning ar it is becoming increasingly difficult to get residents of e village to work together, even onomething as important a tsumi ecuio dll happened only once. community leaders regret e changing characters of the village. the village chief is trying to build a new sense of community, but one that reflects the differenlistesf s sint >> translator: i cannot tell someone with different profession to quit their job to become a fisherman. >>ralar: wl liste intently to the people's wants and needs. >> seven yea has past since the devastating tsunami. construction is making progress. but rebuildingomni ior complicated. people are starting to realize that the road to recoveryil beonr anxpte >>> that wpspur bulletin for today. >>> a lot of people here in tokyo and eewrere weathering the cold. let's go to the global weather forecast. >>> and let