and it turns out men were much more attracted to their female friends then vicea versa. they also found that men were also more attracted to female acquaintance, female strangers they saw on the street, pictures of women on billboards, sears catalogs and particularly plump couch cushons. (applause) its scotch guarded, it's fine. (laughter) and there is even-- and there is even more bad news for the guys. because apparently males assume that any romantic attraction they experience was mutual. and were blind to the actual level of romantic interest felt by their female friends. women too were blind because females generally were not attracted to their feel friends and they assumed this lack of attraction was mutual. now folks this news has got to be hard to take for a lot of male-female friends. particularly the friendly friends over at fox and friends. because it's pretty clear that steve ducey and the brown haired guy who is not steve doocy have been crushing on gretchen for years. i mean why else are they always just staring dumbly and babbling. but guise, you have got