vicea, i thought we would focus on that. visa doesn't trade like a financial.eza trades more in line with tech. just a couple things sort of bother me about the recent action and i thought we could talk about them. so a two-panel chart. it says visa, so that's what it is. and the situation is as follows. we were able to break out, what you can see here and make slight new highs and so forth. but the relative performance of the s&p, visa was never able to make a new high. in fact, it hasn't made any net progress in about seven months. even as it was making absolute highs as recently as a couple weeks ago. and so then there's just the absolute chart itself. and, you know, i didn't make this fit. this is the absolute low. of the last three years. that's your intraday sort of flash crash low. and we've broken. we've broken trend. that's usually the beginning, not the end, of a period of weakness. now let's look at the long-term trend and where we might be headed. to my eye, we're going to come down and basically touch, be even if you wanted to say this could be mov