vick slee there and have they come back yet? >> they have not come back here. the reason is right there. there is still police guarding the property. now, abc 7 news learned swrerlz may have yet another problem here. we've been told there are protected humming birds on this site. now, city workers working on clearing trees after activists were rousted this morning. they had sent out notices warning they were trespassing. and that they would be arrested. almost all of the people left peace flismt three living in tree dz not. they z.four others were arrested. police and city workers on cherry pickers took them out and said one fell ton a ma tress. and one man was hoisted on to a cherry picker and cited for trespassing and resisting arest. now, back live here police say they'll be here to make sure that the pro testors don't come back and pro testers tell us they'll organize something in terms of a response tomorrow evening. >> thank you. bicyclist killed in san jose when a truck involved in a collision fell on her, here are the pictures from the scene. police say