vickey scott about what it's like to see your own child in this position. let alone, what the experience of -- i know his mother was deceased but to hear mr. george floyd call out for his mother. and to think about all the variety of people who have lost their lives at the hands of tragedy like this, who was on their mind at the time? who were they calling out for the protection of? and of course, you think about this. and there was interview with benjamin crump earlier today, where the discussion with wolf blitzer i believe was, well, look. normally, people are looking for protection, whereas certain communities, particular african-american, get policed. not protected but policed. and so, the head of the executive branch of government, whose job it is to oversee the justice department, the fbi, amongst other entities. has missed the opportunity. some would say, politically. but i would say a dereliction of duty to address this full scope. the scope of the authority that he has. the idea of being able to look at his u.s. attorneys, the civil rights division