vicki: vicki arroyo. >> ok, thank you. i think it is pretty clear. a lot of us realize the global warming you are talking about is really just a partisan thing and most of us realize if in fact the white house changes over in a couple of months, all the global warming funding you are talking about will pretty much disappear. so my question really is to alexis. which is the number one issue i hear about all the time like black lives matter, how do you talk about money that white rich people want to spend on global warming is money that does not go to black lives matter? how do you justify that? alexis: yeah, i think that is a great question. and that is what i love about climate change. like i said before, even though it is horrible, when we address climate change issues we literally address first nation community rights, vulnerable populations, systematic oppression. for me, it is not just about this or that. it is about creating a culture shift and change that allows us to evaluate our policies and our programs in a way that will lift all of us. so