. >> vicki burger is a republican member of the oregon house. said that as the states residents buy more efficient cars and less gas, the budget crunch is only going get worse. but she thinks there may be a solution. instead of having oregon motorists pay a $.30 tax on every gallon, have them pay a fee, a penny or two on every mile they drive. it's called a vmt fee. oregon was the first state in the union to impose a gas tax a century ago and it set up an experiment to see if it can lead the nation again. >> 300 volunteers let the state hook up transmitters and computers to their car, so the mileage in oregon could be tracked with a gps. >> the technology worked just fine, but civil liberty and privacy advocates felt it would give big brother an opportunity to snoop on private citizens. so it faded out of view. until the oregon department of transportation ran a new experiment late last year. this time, participants had a range of choices. they could let smartphones track their movements or have gps that sent data to affirm instead of the govern