and i think partly that's because vicki krieps does such a greatjob of bringing the audience in the middle of the night, you know, this is beautiful to look at. but it's a film which is kind of multilayered and there's a lot going on, but it doesn't feel portentous and pretentious. and there's one lovely moment in which they're having a conversation about bergman — everyone talks about bergman — and then somebody says, yeah, we met bergman, he was horrible — which ijust thought was quite nice to see it being able to sort of laugh at itself in that way. it does look very pretty. yes. and won't do the tourist board any harm in sweden. ijust the idea of a bergman safari... you would go on it! no, i wouldn't. no, no, no, no. how dare you? top gun: maverick. so much discussion this week from people who saw the first one, who haven't seen the first one. and should you see this? should you see this as a sequel after so long? well, did you see the first one? yes, i did. and i remember it very clearly, and i couldn't understand what it was, what all the fuss was about. there was so