. >> i believe the commissioner sent an email to vicki rosen about her letter requesting that the southern edge of the attendance area be shifted from 29th street to 30th street. >> all right. the microphone went off. >> i am just here as a neighbor supporting that. >> are we looking at that? >> yes. thank you very much. i received your email and follow up. it is part of our review and violation -- evaluation. thank you. >> combrg public testimony? all right. everybody is here to talk about it. this is something that we are getting to the meat of it now. .how difficult it is to be an entrepreneur in san francisco. for me personally, the less taxation we have, the venture, and more we rely on people to take care of themselves, the better. commissioner clyde: i am in support of the legislation at this point as written, because he is really protecting the impact to the general fund. >> thank you very much. good evening, commissioners and superintendents. it is my pleasure to get us started soon night, and we are here to present the support of findings and recommendations about building qualit