this is vicky evans. vicky, on your title, i put cpa and stl behind your name. you work as a cpa, that's your vocation. i know you're also a writer, a giver of workshops in bio ethics and end of life issues. i understand you have an advanced degree, which is stl. so you're an advanced person. you are working with the archdiocese of san francisco. what is your title there? >> i am the respect life coordinator in the department of human life and dignity. i've been there 15 years. spent about four of the years in rome getting my degree. and then i came back, and now i speak on the subject and end of life issues, beginning of life issues. >> wonderful. you're a wonderful colleague and hard working. next to her is dr. tom kavanaugh. notre dame phd in philosophy. you're a professor at the university of san francisco. >> yep. >> your bio says started there in 1994. i think it's 25 years. >> yes. >> coming up. >> 25 delightful years. >> you teach a first seminar course, what is wisdom. an honor seminar in media literature, and you specialize in medical ethics. you have