i'm vicky henry, and today with me, i have tracy osborn, who is a student at community high school.nity high's an alternative high school. what's that mean? - it's a lot more freedom than most schools. like, i don't know, most ann arbor schools. - what do you like best about this school? - i like the freedom and the teachers. they're really nice, and the students are nice too. - well, we're out of time for today. i hope you'll tune in tomorrow when i'll be talking to another community high student. thanks, tracy. - all right, leah, do you have your phone? you have everything else you need? - [leah] yeah. - okay. so we did check out the application, actually, a few minutes ago and there's nothing to it. it's just like, your kid's name, your name, i think where they're in school right now and that's it. so, we're going to community high school for the information session for incoming ninth graders. because my daughter, leah, is gonna enter the lottery to see if she gets in. these didn't exist back when i went, so this'll be different. leah, do you know what to expect? has anybody told