the building with the front facing side including the historically important chilean musician, victor hara. if they could focus in on that. victor harrah playing the guitar with his names and words from one of his songs. he was tortured and killed by the chilean military when they seized power in 1973. the stadium where it happened in the capital is now named after him. the military also destroyed tapes of his recordings. nonetheless, according to "the new york times," relatively recently, chile is experiencing a full-fledged victor harrah revival. a documentary about harrah has recently been completed and the trailer is available online at the destruction of this mural is wrong. and we ask you, supervisors, to do -- and the public to do what you can to preserve this valuable asset. you should know that this destruction plan has happened without any discussion about the mural's important history of community creation, the specific images such as victor hara himself and without discussion of the words of victor hara or holly near who is also included, all of wh