lebanese civil war was resolved in 1989. it was on the basis of what was called the agreement and no victor, no van gish. think they can control the arab world alone, they are fools if the saudis think they can push back the iranians and not have their influence anywhere, they are fools until they come together, the whole region will be destabilized. >> nbs have the unequivocal backing of the military? >> the defense minister controls the military. >> never be any chance they are not on board with this >> i don't think so. >> head of the former national guard. >> and these decisions final. >> he's eliminated all rival power centers. >> want to switch gears we have two minutes and you had an interesting take on what's happening in the u.s. economy and you mention in your book. >> i think in addition to all things we were talking about, deregulation and tax reform, i think something is going on in the world of business. five things have come together with the combination of ai and big data every company now can analyze, that is, they can find needles in the haystack through the data, as the norm, not the e