mark doty, nikky finney, annette gordon-reed, marianne hoberman, jane kramer, philip levine, victor navaskychael cunningham, alan taylor and lawrence wright, macarthur fellow george saunders, winner of the national book critics award, and leeann. and, of course, the recipient of the presidential medal of freedom, toni morrison and maya angelou. please recognize these great writers with me. [applause] >> i'd like to thank our financial supporters. again, please hold applause and let me get to the list. premier sponsors barnes & noble, inc. when random house and the ford foundation, leadership sponsors david drummond, and sponsors amazon, the bar foundation, google, lavender, macmillan, thank you for your support. couldn't do it without you. [applause] >> like to acknowledge in the audience something special. the winners of our fifth annual innovations in reading prize. our organization is about recognizing great writing and encouraging the great books producer or decisions that helped make i it happen. if you are reading is the way up. little free library based in wisconsin has established e