. -- the fact that victor portion go -- victor poreshenko is here is probably another controversy. >> education seen as a key element. our correspondence visit a concentration camp for the first time. >> face-to-face with the third reich for the first time come these pupils are visiting a formal concentration camp. from 1936, 200,000 people were deported here. >> you can see prisoners had to assemble for rollcall. >> 650,000 people come here. it leaves its mark on everyone. >> they were piled up in the hundreds. it is on imaginable. you can start to visualize it -- it is unimaginable. you can start to visualize it. >> this teacher says it is only here they grasp the horror of it. >> when you're teaching the subject, you have to touch their emotions. that gets difficult as time passes. grandparents are not around to tell them about it. the best messages to talk to people who lived through it. a ukrainian jew who escaped persecution see it as their duty to pass on experiences. >> people cannot leave without memories. these are a way of keeping memories alive. >> it helps us understand w