. >> jaap schorl and his colleague victor ramos from the national council for protected areas have been monitoring the extent of deforestation in the region for years. with the support of the international climate change initiative, they record the disappearance of the rainforest. >> this is the forest in 2000. what you see in dark green and light green is forest, and what you see in light yellow is agriculture and cattle ranching -- 2000. this is 2007 and this is 2013. >> 3000 plant and nearly 1000 animal species, among them many birds, live here. the selva maya is rich in biodiversity. many species are unique to it. as the rainforest disappears, they lose their habitat. the guacamaya, once a symbol of the mayan sun god. the parrots in this breeding station are meant to provide offspring. there are only an estimated 300 birds belonging to this type of macaw living in the wild. >> the greatest threat to these macaws is loss of their habitat. after that comes illegal trade. the chicks are taken from their nests and sold on the black market at prices of up to $5000. >> until the parrots a