captain victor sarosini predicted to his wife, there will be attempted cockpit takeovers because of this. he died on september 11, 2001, when his boeing 767 was flown into the south tower of the world trade center. the other important element of this thing to mention is up through august of 2001, the regulation in the federal aviation regulations under which we all operate, the regulation existed that allowed pilots to be armed. there was a provision that would allow an airline if they chose to go through a process to arm their pilots. no airline did. i think, frankly, it was kind of an anti-gun sentiment that existed. that is irrational as well in my view. that regulation kind of disappeared in a horrible coincidence and irony and disappeared in august. not that it was being used, but it at least existed, then september 11, 2001, of course we had the attacks and shortly thereafter, we rearmed the pilots again. >> may i make a comment for this young lady at the moment. my name is mark weiss. i worked with these gentlemen with the allied pilots association. you asked about other countries