recruited from name was victor sivanov recruited from name was victor sivanov recruited from kaluga colony number three he even rose kaluga colony number three he even rose kaluga colony number three he even rose to the rank of company commander civil to the rank of company commander civil to the rank of company commander civil nev ended up in hospital and his nev ended up in hospital and his nev ended up in hospital and his subordinates allegedly deserted insider subordinates allegedly deserted insider subordinates allegedly deserted insider writes on november 20th the man called writes on november 20th the man called writes on november 20th the man called his wife and told her that he was going his wife and told her that he was going his wife and told her that he was going to be taken to the firing squad a few to be taken to the firing squad a few to be taken to the firing squad a few days later on december 1st a russian days later on december 1st a russian days later on december 1st a russian defense ministry spokesman told his wife defense ministry spokesman told his wife defens