so quarrelsome and velma gostiny is completely perryshnaya squadron and brother, i'm not on and victor yakty and the gates and brothers open to us their history of their kind of their earth if we have you at our family the nest of the batkov’s hut and what a centenary anniversary means before speech, the center of the tribal settlement went to ruffle, only a shanet that we go into ourselves with rubber, everything is here for me the worst farm was judged not by ashmats. the oldest of the butcher's women, and 85 amal for a cent, skadorval subject to great collections. now the brothers-in-law have divided their garden on the floor, the vegetable garden, the jelly of the lazna-puni sapir is non-existent here, the dacha, the fools are learning grandfather the lord’s great-grandfather had an arch the great helm was fed by the whole mouth behind this bread there is a scum, because the straight two cows required 2 a little hay to harvest and and for a horse and demanded him to laugh. good minds, so the dad got a drink and there is a supply of hay, and there was e so to speak, the market all that wa