that is victoria cason, p for us at elbert pock and doha, with santa ha motion paid esteem. it will have much, much more, and our special will comp coverage that's coming up at $1330.00 g m t ah, south africa's governing african national congress party is electing its leadership lighter on saturday. delegates have gathered for the folks in johannesburg. president seral, rama poser, is running for reelection as the parties leader. protestors disrupted his opening speech on friday. from a poser has come under fire recently after an independent pedal found he may have violated his oath of office. or for me to mila joins us now from johannesburg. and we're things up to the and now or things at this point are very much behind schedule, or some would argue that almost 24 hours behind schedule or in terms of what the expectations have been. are we don't know yet, or if they will indeed be a vote being how be held on saturday because the nomination less specifically hasn't been finalized either. or we do know that president sal rama policy is up for reelection, as you've mentioned t