"late at night, you know, before jack and i went to sleep in the white house, we had this little victrola and we used to play the record of "camelot," you know, the play." and needless to say, editors at life and also teddy white saw this was going to be the big theme. and actually, she urged him to make camelot the major theme of his article. but when it came out, the kennedy presidency and camelot made its debut. i think in the end, she may not have been doing the presidency of -- it may not have been something that helped because to say that those years which, you know, had their lights and darks, were all, you know, knights and, you know, great noble deeds, were almost setting him up for the revisionist movement of the 1970s, as indeed did happen. perry: i think she also must have known that these would come along and that she could get out in front of them perhaps with this -- this wonderful shining moment, as the lyric said, "one brief shining moment." and we know, as you say, there was a dark side of camelot, but it certainly was brief. and all you have to do is look at the imagery