cited 423 violations of the san francisco housing code in this one building and issued 20 notices of vielsz14 orders of abatement on the title of the property and fined the owners 42,800. this department took a leadership role by referring, supporting, and financing the litigation through the city attorney's office against the property owner which finally resulted in a settlement of $135,000 in civil penalties. and we also know that similarly that a similar instance like this happened also in district 10 and supervisor molina cohen's district as well. i think many of us came into the work of public service to fulfill the government's mission in areas like this, to ensure that we are really protecting, defending our most vulnerable residents, and helping property owners to follow the law. and so this particular case of september 12 of this year, all the violations have been corrected and the building has been restored to a livable state for 48 families that reside on this property. so i want to take this time and acknowledge the members of our city family that actually make this happen. we c