when we came back to the dock, there was a viet cong soldier there that told john kerry that the personild, was not shot in the back, and it put a lie to a lot of the myths that had been around him, and so to stand there and see this person give him this truth at this time was amazing experience to witness, and i think, you know, it pute o pub service that began whe h navy lieutenant and then finished all the way as a secretary of state. >> brennan: you were a journalist. anen worked with journalists in communications when you were working for the secretary. when you see the loss of press access, the fewer press briefings that are carried out under this administration, what do you think the impact is. >> i think it's a real loss, especially for the administration itself. when you're a diplomat and you go into a diplomatic engagement. you have to constituencies. you're obviously dealing face to face with somebody, and trying to negotiate in your best interests, but you're also trying to sell what you are doing and let the public know about what it is and why you're doing it. all the trip