vietor. >> and commissioner moran is expected shortly. >>next item is>>item 3 is approval of the minutes from the july 12, 2016 meeting. >>i have a motion and a second. minutes of been approved. >>your wholesale customers last year were about 36 gallons per day which was very low. that's about half of what the wholesale customers use on average in less than six times what city shoes. the contract is limited. so limited that they don't know that they can approve the development projects within the community. last week thecity approved a moratorium project because they can't guarantee enough water. i want to be clear it's not about the availability of water there is plenty availability within wholesale costs here but i seems unfair and on a and for years the system that they have been in, and we have been in and it needs to be fixed and as a result theaffordable housing is on the back burner in east palo alto. i'm hoping that you folks can work with boston and others to fix the situation thank you. >>thank you. we received quite a bit of te