the only other revision is the one suggested by commissioner vietor, which is to add at a minimum on page 5 of the resolution and further resolved on the development of long-term agreement. >> what was distributed on the 19th has achieved properly notice so it is properly before us? >> yes, it is what michael read into the record when the item was first called he read the new edits into the record. >> commissioner maxwell is that what your motion was in. >> yes. >> commissioner paulson your second? >> second based on everything people are talking about. >> do we need a motion to amend to include that or better language or anything not in what was distributed we need to amend in? >> if you are inclined to accept commissioner vietor's edit at minimum the motion is to adopt the red lined version dated junf adding at a minimum to the resolve clause. i am going to ask the commission secretary on page 5. >> yes, page 5. >> can you read that clause again for where at minimum goes. >> page 5. second further resolve this commission directs staff to work on long-term agreement to allow the thr