do you really think that a blouse man in the catskills ever looked like viggo mortensen?cause if they would i would have bought a few blouses in those days, too. >> the blouse men tended to look more like cenky green. there are a couple of other movies like that that i love. i want to play a game with you. >> okay. >> joy: i want to go over a list of people you worked with to get your immediate reaction. i play this game with oliver stone. he was very good at it, too. demi moore. >> demi moore. beautiful. outrageous. one word answers. demi, i loved demi. she was and still is -- super smart. >> joy: you're too old for her. >> now i'm too old for her. in those days, i wasn't. >> joy: how about diane lane? well gorgeous. diane is magic. such a -- so and humble and hungry to be good and just a wonderful person. >> joy: she is good. i've always been attracted to her movies. >> me, too. she gets better and better. >> joy: denzel? >> denzel is like one of the acting gods. given the chance to work with denzel which was awhile ago i think he's so great and one of the people who --