g'alaba qozonishimga va do'stlarimni ishonchini . typhoon in a storm is setting off in the labyrinth, vikhar very brave girl, confident in her abilities, but i’m worried about her, i’m worried whether she can she brings the team two crosses. well, i believe in it, i believe in it with all my heart and dasha just forward, this is the top view, this is the rear view, it’s clear, that is, right from above, left from behind , see the clues here, when she passes, you will have to say, wait, the clue is somewhere- that here, look in this area, dasha, listen to the guys as much as possible, pronounce the numbers clearly, don’t memorize, don’t think too much about it, i understand, yes, nod, i understand, that’s it guys, good luck, you will remember the number mostly, oh' okay, tell me more time, please, how often, well, at the beginning, not very often, i’ll tell you when there are 3 minutes left, okay. yes, look just above the door, look for something there somewhere, above the door, above the hatch, no. further dear, dasha, do you see anything? but now, no, why? 145 heard 145 heard there is vlad