leaflet serves as a pass for going into captivity, and, apparently, to strengthen it, the operator vikherevar, and now look, here is a list of whom he filmed, here is handwritten, here is listed, yes, all german generals, oh, so, who is there, and there is zedlitz, interesting, well, we have to look. here, and if you turn it around, yes, oh, seidlets, behind number five, number five, we need him, in fact, most of the former officers of the enemy soldiers were actively collaborating with the nkvd. the most striking example, captured in stalingrad, artillery general walter von seidlis, he was involved in the first days... vladimir makarov - historian of special services, candidate of philosophical sciences, compiler of a unique collection of wehrmacht general officers tell, it includes materials from investigative cases of german prisoners and war criminals. seidletz, of course, showed great activity, he spoke, wrote letters, acted as a german general, and went to even dangerous sectors of the front. spoke through a loudspeaker to german soldiers and officers, addressed them, so to speak, wit