he loses, that's all, plays at the central gaming table today the winner of our last game, viktor abduramanovemployee from the city of berezniki, is playing against viktor today, dmitry vasiliev, a programmer from ivanova. dmitry alexandrovich, the floor is yours. hello, i’m 40 years old, i’ve lived in ivanovo all my life, i’ve been interested in it since childhood computer science, so when choosing a path i had to choose it. now i'm doing generative music. i have three wonderful children, veronica, nadya platon, hello children, i got here thanks to my friend mikhail delshtein, your player, so he persuaded me. thank you. alexandra karlinskaya, a teacher from moscow, will play at the third gaming table today. alexandra, tell us a little about yourself? i am a teacher of additional education, i am also about forty, also have three children, and a husband who is a player of his game, vadim karllinsky, who is now is present in the auditorium, a famous player, and i work with retired children, including leading excursions around moscow, i like to pick mushrooms, thank you, so what? victor, alexand