i have nikolai and viktor yurievich friends. now there will be something, because nikolay bubnits, amazing applause. you are mine. i see the light in my own and i open the gate and runs towards no. mommy mommy, dear, i look, i hug her eyes. whole, wrap the year can not be eaten in many. let us all often dream of childhood, sweet lands, curse with gold and warm. t and some joy hangs, and my favorite - this is no cell of society, and as i know, the family is the small church. mothers and paradise of a child give a child to a family, this is important family - it is difficult, but it is impossible to live happily alone. we went with you thought to defend the country, i believe someone died. someone died here, someone died. here is a branch, someone died, there are stars. how many times bratuman sheltered the enemy hostility. and today you are here more than me. somewhere there , my native people will be waiting for me, my people were leaving. we'll both be back. you left alone. we'll both be back. you are the only one who is the fi