another 18-hectare plot of land for the architecture of belarus is buried under the signs of vilenskaga barokaou want, this is the third step in the evolution of this style, which is the maximum number of carnivorous trotters. vilenskaya baroka, in the opposite direction of baroka, on the other hand, in italy, spain, there was more... development of ideas 17 centuries, a bit new o'clock. baroque style became popular . baroque style and classicism became a good example of luxury and richness. yama ўlascіva fallen emanacy, dynamism and ... concave scyanades, what is on the corner, and here is concave, here is concave, and the points are concave, and that timid masters, yana zrazayutsya vostrynyu getag angle, and there such flat kavalachka skis, i'm happy , there are pellets like this on these, well, such an element as mattsovaya, there that well, all the same, on the flanks there is some kind of pavement, what kind of carmies are here, baroque harmise, we call them speckled, that is, every little bit of eight... three times, different adkіdvaetstsa, and all the time this façade is alive, because