at the other half 19, a hundred years ago vova at the warehouse of mayonskaya diakovich prince vilhensteinon at the hut good afternoon. umochka good afternoon pass. at the mosquito, god forbid, and there is a thin light. native virtually transferred from minsk factory fun the tradition of sprinkling the young with god's may with a well- groomed and happy spectator sans robbed whether this cobdolil to the new family was a happy and jelly married woman. at the capital studio, the sign is twilight, so they don’t bio-blow. there , the process of putting on a new deterioration, one of the songs recorded by the bike, unfolded with full emotion. well let's leak at once, call, yours. yes, sergei sukhanin and katerina are skinny. i have a share. early early fire, i gathered woke up my husband, yes, and lucky to sell. so well, why are you very interested in the beginning of such an unusual timbre ? finish the arrangement on top so that it fits into this song. in general, everything is good. let's pause and tell us, please, where did you study. probably, if you chose this profession, then everything