already ripened for the prostrate herd to be known in the gathering and prestige of these called and vilinskyhe xviii based driven by an ideologue. uh. this cut was izumi. we will talk about jesuit vice, the current velma is fashionable in this style, and the seventeenth century of vice is robins. so- called sarmatian. this is baroque, uh, zhabratskih ordenol dominicans franciscans. in the film , the hallway is a cold carved temple. uh, i'm just such a national subtext such nostalgia for chivalry. i'm already dumb, and the eighteenth stallone is experiencing a golden age, a uniate vice. these are dozens of temples and cliches, glorious defense of life, zhirovichi, and scouts here can be called true masterpieces of architecture, however, they were not studded, so in the eighteenth it became di rey being carried on, not hell and the caliber of the new, not hellish vilna baroque and jumping our e, the fire of the vintsy, then we don’t know all the necessary elements, but the solution is very this church, and the cinema lay for the order of the franciscans, and yana yak would not have lost it lik