defeated villa restaurant is one of the city's best known addresses for. head chef marcus knows the secret. lies in the preparation. of the 1st you cut the meat and then tenderize it carefully. feel is extremely delicate and holds a lot of water because it is a young calf when your tender runs it you have to be extremely careful not to destroy the fibers because otherwise the water will run out and then the schnitzel can't cook properly before through your. farm fresh eggs and finally ground bread crumbs are also key ingredients for wienerschnitzel. the view is likely salted coated in flour. next it's an eggplant covered with bread crumbs. to brush the mixture lightly on to the meat not too hard. they fry the veal it clarified butter and keep it moving around the pen so the meat will brown evenly. once the deal is golden brown carefully remove it let the fact trade away and serve promptly. that's how they've been baking here for over a century the family run this is now it's false generation. y. is the perfect a company with videsh in itself. those who sti