villalba: absolutely. we agree. honorary latino. we might be focusing too much on the messenger and not the message. like me running as a republican, it was somewhat unique. it was because there was a message there. as i prefaced earlier, i think disbelieve, what all of you are saying, you have to resonate with the candidate. you don't have to be hispanic or african-american to generate and promote a good message that will resonate with the voter. anit possible for african-american to win in a hispanic neighborhood? if the message resonates with those voters, i think it is. can a hispanic when in an angle anglo environment? the message is, yes. you have a county that is 75% , thatat, three times election. it resonated. fortunately or unfortunately, the way the politics and partisanship is, that outweighs to me the way i'm seeing it, the ethnicity of a candidate. wish everybody would just run at large. no party affiliation, you kind of run based on principle, message, based on this. what i'm hearing from people is, i don't want to be