. >> that is something you know, i have ideas about how that would work but that will villaraigosa to be discussed. >> it's important to get a entrap of what the small business inclusion can be for similar events in the future otherwise we are going to be on a word but not enough to move forward so building that mechanism to invest into future agreements will be really necessary otherwise we're acting on faith that's not good enough that will be $4.2 million in 2010 that doesn't happen we need to track that information and make sure it's readily available. i totally agree supervisor to the extent this was done is american people impact benefit to the city but we need to show with the benefit is to prove out the assumption so we'll work smarter. again, i wanted to turn to the 4 projects that were performed in nutrition with the projects. they all exceeded their lbe goals for the total of million dollars we see that as a benefit as well but obviously just part of the iceberg i guess >> here we have the port projects that have other requirements that we were able to meet the lbe requirem