. >> could you give more detail about why it's less vin jents. . >> corridor air cannot be used for ventilation intake air, all kinds of stuff. and then there's exceptions and the proposal is an exception. >> at the state level? >> local. there are always a few exceptions. it starts out saying ing you can't do it. >> i mean, it seems like the technology is, like, cutting edge so is it likely that the state will respond to that and allow for these alternatives or kwif len says, i guess it would be called. is that an option? >> through the state it's similar to an option. the state usually doesn't make changes without there being a lot of research behind it and of course a proposal from somewhere and they're not code cycles so a proposal now would be several years before it would even be considered. >> okay, i it. get it. >> i think the concern is, you know, at the city we all seem to get great ideas from other cities and how they handle -- this particular case was the same issue they had in seattle so the engineer that came up with the idea, which kind of vented through the corridors and seemed