about with and then you said no one of them paul man of ford said the meeting had gone well not vin weber i just find it remarkable that your life was put in such in jeopardy over that statement. yes but again if you understand the rationale for it and at that moment i didn't but if you look at what and again this isn't really an ethical in my opinion tactic used by the special counsel and when they have absolute authority to determine who lies and who doesn't you're really put in a very very difficult you know position and this case it was quite disturbing that they were able to do this and if you look at it and i did this after steve look at all that every single person involved was charged with perjury why is that if you step back if because we get to this point where now i can go out and talk they wanted to make sure that i was as discreditable as possible so that they could use it and make it sound like what all this information came out that it wasn't necessarily believable and again i think it was a it was a tactical move diabolical tactical move but every single person involved ha