santana, brad caress go, hunter cutting, david fossio, valerie santori, fernand of costello, vince cassolina. >> good afternoon, or almost good evening. my name is gary. i am here as i have been at two other board of supervisors' meetings, back in december 2010, as an ardent supporter of the america's cup. there is one little area down there similar to what the distinguished louise testified to, which i am opposed to. seawall lot 330 -- there should be a more equitable arrangement. why is seawall lot 330 even in there? there is no linkage to put it there, except with these conflated costs now going into pier 30 and 32. i only found out about this because i happened to be hanging out at the job of -- at the java cafe across the street. seawall 330 should not be in there. besides that, with the inflated costs being $440 million -- that is for giving away this little piece of property across the street. it is worth $35 million two years ago. now, under the report, these kooky real estate appraisals are putting the property at $140 million. they bought into something with the event authority. th