here is andrea canning with "evil was waiting." >> reporter: one day after the murder of sergeant vince goslynvestigation was unfolding fast. in the field, detectives were gathering evidence and talking to witnesses, and at fort campbell, the interview rooms were filling up. in one of those rooms, jessie goslyn. >> when you have drug dealers that are after you, you never know what the hell's gonna happen. >> reporter: jessie had given law enforcement a possible motive for her husband's murder. she said vince owed money to drug dealers -- a lot of money. >> did you know who the drug dealers were? >> no, i don't. >> reporter: prosecutor pryor was getting regular phone updates about all the witness interviews. but to her, jessie's was the most important. jessie gave police a key new detail. she said on the night of the murder, one of those drug dealers contacted her. >> did you have to talk to the drug dealers directly? >> reporter: she was getting text messages from this man, she said? >> that's what she indicated, yes. and that he would do harm, or kill her and her family, her children, if she