vince gray's 2010 campaign. >> another person is facing charges. melin joins us live -- -- melanie joins us live. >> reporter: her name is jean harris, she owns two pr companies, dell international, and details international, asera she did work for mayor gray's 2010 campaign. according to the court documents, harris is facingis charges of conspiracy, taxcons fraud, and violations of federae and local election laws. prosecutors say that harris gotr friends, family and employees to make political contributions and then an unnamed co-conspirator would reimburse the contributions through harris's company. according to the charging document, there were contributions totaling $21,550 in 2008 to federal political campaigns and committees, and $44,000 in 2010 to the campaign of what they called candidate "a," who we're told is gray. all of these were directed by and reimbursed by co-conspirator one, according to the prosecutors. the documents describe this co-conspirator one as somebody who has a close friendship andd professional relationship with harris. harris is known to have close ties with jeffrey thompson, he's a businessman and prominentsm governmen