sure that we improve the school district and i wanted to bring up at this moment superintendent vince matthews who, by the way could have retired already, but is still here and still working on behalf of our children. we are so grateful for his work and come on up, dr. matthews and say a few words. >> thank you so much. before i begin, i just wanted to say that i'm vince matthews, superintendent of the san francisco unified school district and i'm here with the president of our board, president lamb and i am actually also a student from the san francisco unified school district. i graduated from macketeer high school and i played football there and i want to say how good it is to be back on this field because we had some victories on this field some of my most creative touchdown dances were right in the corner of that end zone. on behalf of president lamb and our current commissioners, commissioner boggess, alexander, and sanchez. i welcome our three new commissioners. i look forward to working with our new leaders of the san francisco board of education and i want to thank the new commissione