vince scully has been working -- >> he's retiring after 56 years. i still love what i do. >> you get there at what time and you're locking the batting cage? >> for a 7:00 game, you get there at 3:30, 4:00, want to see batting practice, how the players feel, anybody hurt, talk to the manager. it's more than the three hours you're on the air. you're working the day at least. >> do others have a hispanic voice? >> no. there's an hispanic market. center royals doesn't have it, but the yankees, team in miami, tampa bay. i would say 15 out of 30 broadcast in spanish, which is 50%. >> that's not bad. >> you're actually in line for the radio bay area hall of fame. we'll talk about it in our next segment or logon to radio hall of and the hispanic baseball has hisel c. stay with us. we'll be right back. so hot, rattlesnakes... combust, spontaneously. we're drawn like moths to a flaming jalapeÑo. but, you gotta eat bold, know what i'm sayin. [ male announcer ] subway has turned up the heat! introducing subway fiery footlong subs. the hot ne