it turns out he and his associate, pat grant -- he had been vincent guinn's graduate student. they do not care at all if kennedy was killed by all's walled or a person. he had no opinion on that at all. they took an interest and i brought them up to do a little paper on it in san francisco. they finally went and published to the press. wanted to get them here 10 years ago originally to talk about this. ultimately, they concluded the bullet evidence from the assassination was examined from a metallurgical and scientific standpoint, and their conclusion was the inclusion of material evidence for only two bullets in the kennedy assassination has no friends at aces. moreover, the fragment did not necessarily originate from mc ammunition. indeed, the antimony compositions of the evidentiary specimens are consistent with any number of jacketed ammunitions containing an ardent lead -- on hardened -- u nhardened lead. the next year, spiegelman, tobin, wessler and all thelutely took apart statistical analysis as well as the metallurgical conclusions. the neutron activation analysis has