smart, and he is going to work together with vincent luis, because he could become a little bit stubborn and not take the lead, and that is baileng to give dail -- the chance, and maybe visit luis will come after him. kudos to bailie, he wants out of there, he wants the gold medal, he will not take bronze. trevor: i wonder if that german penalty will hurt the crowd. this point, you've just got to go. transition is now critical. tos is going to come down between just a few seconds. nobody has a spread and in my estimation, visit luis has, but he used it all yesterday. trevor: buckingham had a good transition. and he bailie is going, is out. trevor: good effort from buckingham. >> visit luis is doing what we all had anticipated, showing that he is the class sprinter of the group. turning that he is he is185, 186, and running away with his second victory of the weekend, and with friends winning the team title of the european championship of the week, they started off with winner, and justus c -- was at fourth, and visit louise is going to win the title for the weekend. and i can see bucking