if you think somebody else has created your circumstances you can become bitter, vindictive retalatory my circumstances, i can change my decisions. the screpture that really is so big to me, proverbs 4:7, i live by it and teach from it everyday of my life. it is everything. it is quite simple, "wisdom is the principle thing." the reason he said that, everything else you want comes through wisdom. wisdom produces longevity. wisdom produces favor. wisdom produces wealth. everything we're pursuing is the product of wisdom. if you think you have a financial problem, you want to change your job. if you think you have a marriage problem, change your mate. when you recognize you have a wisdom problem you change your focus. that makes all the difference in the world. proverbs 4:7, wisdom is the principle thing. a lot of what i'm teaching is found in this book "the three most important things in your life," we will tell you about it later. i don't think there is another book in the world like it. it is a gold mine, discovers -- i can't tell you how important this book is, we want you to have it