viney. viney, it's william. william shawcross. >> ♪ love one another ♪ with a true heart fervently will you sing that at my funeral? >> oh, viney, i'm a tenor now, and that's for trebles. >> oh. >> but i could arrange for a couple of choristers to sing it. >> oh. like it was for both my husbands, yes? >> i didn't know you were married twice? >> my first was run over by a lancaster bomber in the war. >> i'm sorry. >> he won a medal for it. >> my wife was run over by a car. >> was she? oh, i am sorry. was... she the love of your life? >> no, she wasn't. >> no. mine wasn't. but have you met someone else? >> oh. >> oh. [both laugh] [rick whistling] >> write her a letter. >> write who a letter? >> mary! >> i've never sent anyone a letter in my life. >> so think what it would mean. a letter from the heart's a very powerful thing it touches you. you learn about these things you'd never normally learn. you can't interrupt, you see. all you can do is read about these feelings that really matter, like trust and looking af