. -- it isas the nato vinny esposito's last day. god speed and thank you for your help. i also want to thank you all. it was a long hearing. but it was a good one and i think we all learned a lot. i want to remind our members that they have 10 business days to submit additional questions for the record. and, as probably as you can, a response. the hearing is now adjourned. in a few moments, "washington journal" is live. at 10:00, kentucky congressman talks about the recent budget deal in congress and what it means for the appropriations process. after that, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius testifies on the status of the healthcare.gov website. and other issues related to the health care law. coming up next on "washington journal." freedberg discusses the budget deal in congress. he will also talk about legislation for 2014 defense programs. a volpe on ,john dell politics and public service. then, a discussion on the future of guantanamo bay. they will talk about provisions within the national defense authorization act that pertain to guantÁnamo. "was