year battle for his life the battle for his death has started when numerous medical exams stated vinson's semiconscious condition was irreversible the question arose for the 1st time should we incent continue receiving life support assistance or not it's not a question that is easy or simple to answer and it has divided instance family his wife and 6 of his siblings wanted to let him die peacefully as they put it this is not the life vincent himself would want to leave opposing them were his parents arguing that vincent is simply a person who does not fall under france's and of life legislation and that he should leave when the 2 sides failed to reach an agreement to dish a marathon started that resulted in vinson been off and back on life support 5 times after the ruling to stop artificial attrition was confirmed by 5 different legal bodies including the european court for human rights we do rely on doctors of course and as a see vincent has been in this state for 10 years so his chances of recovery let's be perfectly honest with you removed how much does he understand what quality of li