vint cerf suggested that was not necessarily what computer scientists were seeking.are looking for absolute truth, but we can look for good quality and good sources and so the algorithms that we use try to find what we believe to be good quality content whether it is being google search system or in the youtube videos to offer good quality information, the recipients of that information have the challenge of figuring out what to accept and what to reject. could you give us any evidence that this high quality information as you describe it and that you promote is more likely to be true, more likely to be in the category of the earth is not flat rather than the category of the earth is flat? the internet, he said, was made up of billions of pages of information. we do have about 10,000 people as part of our google family that do evaluations of websites. 0nce those evaluations were done... those web pages become a training set for the machine learning system, which is then applied to all the web pages that we index in the world wide web. once that application has been d